Tuesday, April 13, 2010

80s Movie Smack-Off (Part 10: Championship)

It's time for round 6 of the 80s Movie Smack-Off, the Championship! See parts 1-9 in previous posts for details on rounds 1-5. The winner of this round is the Smack-Off Champion. Let's examine the competitors and their respective seeds for the final match:

The Championship:
3. Airplane!
1. Caddyshack
Round 6 Result:

Here we go. Airplane! vs. Caddyshack to determine the best 80s comedy movie and complete the 80s Movie Smack-Off. Both movies have been reviewed thoroughly to this point, so let's skip to the chase: which one is the better movie? While it is VERY close, Caddyshack gets the win and takes the title. Airplane! is not far behind Caddyshack, being similar to it in many ways due to its star studded cast. But, if one looks at each facet within each movie, one sees that the comedic talent in Caddyshack is actually far superior to that in Airplane!. Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, and Bill Murray are far funnier comedic actors than Robert Stack, Peter Graves, and Lloyd Bridges (though Leslie Nielson is on par with those in Caddyshack). Airplane! and Caddyshack are both unique in that the supporting cast carries the comic load rather than the main character (think about it: the main character in both Caddyshack (Danny Noonan) and Airplane! (Ted Striker) are really just straight men for the high jinks provided by supporting cast members). Even considering both movies' similarities, Caddyshack gets the win over Airplane! 65-59 and is named the best 80s comedy movie.

80s Movie Smack-Off Champion: Caddyshack

That completes the 80s Movie Smack-Off. Congratulations to Caddyshack, the last remaining movie and the one that can claim its rightful place as the best comedy to emerge from the 1980s! Check the bracket to the right for a final breakdown of the entire tournament.